

  • Name


  • Client


  • Type

    Table system & stool

  • Year


  • Awards

    Iconic Award

Creva is an extraordinary table system that succeeds in transposing the design aesthetics of home furniture to the office environments. Its minimalist design language is typified by round shapes and well-balanced proportions.

The materiality of the natural material wood reinforces this aura. A multitude of ingenious features is incorporated into the table construction. The rail-free substructure offers plenty of legroom. The central joint in the table top can hold a variety of freely positionable power modules, acoustic/ view protection panels and trays.

Creva excels in versatility – ideally suited for either individual workstations or large-scale conference configurations, not forgetting the high tables. Geared towards a plethora of environments, from offices to restaurants and cafeterias, from recreation rooms to waiting areas, from meeting points to break-out areas. Creva is complemented by a stool, bar stool and a bench

Work In Progress